Vehbi Neziri
Publication year: 2011


E-voting as an integral part of the e-governing and e-democracy cannot be implemented without a good and stabile legal infrastructure which would be the source of regulation that will allow a full participation of the citizens in building of the necessary mechanisms of supervising of the government. Is it possible and should the e-voting be implemented in Kosova? In this project efforts have been made to give adequate answers in this and other questions regarding the overall implementation of the e-voting and the necessary infrastructure in specific. For this purpose the international modern literature for the implementation of the communication and information technology in democracy has been consulted. Also a lot of online internet sources, the approved laws in Republic of Kosova regarding the voting and the fields of the personal data processing and the implementation of the technologic apparatus on the election process has been consulted.
This project aims to: (i) analyze the adequate architecture and to propose building of the electronic voting system in Kosovo, and (ii) to analyze the side effects than can arise during the implementation of such a system. Among the characteristics of the electronic system that will be analyzed are: the architecture for the safe authentication and authorization, which will be based on biometric characteristics (fingerprints) and digital certificates with possibility to vote from the internet, data security connected to ballots and voting, accuracy and the quickness for publication of the results of voting. Results and benefits of the evoting, beside the quickness and accuracy of ballot counting, are growth of transparency and efficiency of the voting and also saving of the public money because the system belongs to type “build one time – use it many times”.
Key words: e-voting, e-democracy, authentication, election system, vote, voter, election.